Teen Therapy Services

What Causes Changes in Your Teen’s Behavior

If you notice your teen acting out more or they seem unhappy, you’re making the right decision to explore options for help. After all, your child is going through a difficult period in his or her life.

They are at a crossroads. As a teenager, they have yet to fully develop the ability to master rational thought. It’s natural for them to react with emotion and impulsivity. Their desire for independence and autonomy is also starting to emerge. So you’re witnessing two realities coming to a head, as your child tries to navigate mature situations without all of the necessary tools.

This is the time to equip yourself with the knowledge, understanding and awareness needed to be your child’s main source of stability and keep your connection with them.

Teen Therapy Services Include:

At our New Jersey Wellness Center, our teen counseling services address intense feelings such sadness, frustration, self doubt, loneliness and fear. Without the proper tools to navigate these roads, a young teen can find themselves entangled in darkness.

Although this period in their life will pass, the residual effect of their decisions and experiences as a teenager, can impact the path they continue on throughout their lifetime.

Now more than ever, your child needs the appropriate support as they work to gain a deeper, more comprehensive understanding of themselves and the world around them.

  • Celebrating one’s own unique strengths and capabilities
  • Creating healthy boundaries with others to ensure that you are safeguarded both physically and emotionally
  • Establishing a more rational and positive perspective on physical self
  • Finding an inner voice that promotes self advocacy and confidence
  • Fostering a romantic relationship that is rooted in respect, honesty and trust
  • Gaining insight and understanding into the hormonal changes that impact mood, energy and cognitive functioning
  • Identifying and nurturing supportive relationships with peers while mastering the ability to release more toxic & unfulfilling connections
  • Improving relationship with parents and establishing a more cohesive dynamic within the household
  • Instilling balance and organization with the innumerable responsibilities and expectations
  • Mastering how to manage internal and external pressures
  • Understanding the inner workings of the body
  • Establishing more successful and productive techniques to self regulate, solidifying a deeper, more authentic sense of self acceptance, esteem and worth.